Assessment Design



Assessment Introduction


In this video Marie distinguishes assessments from standardized testing, and connects assessments to unit planning and student performance. Here we look at the tight alignment between assessments and tangible student products or observable outcomes, and identify assessments as high quality feedback to improve student learning.

Assessment Purpose


The purpose of contemporary education has evolved from identifying students with particular skills for jobs, to cultivating favorable conditions for all students to develop their talents and reach their potential. It follows then that assessment must evolve also. Contemporary assessments provide feedback with the goal of improving student performance against targets and standards which are authentic and prepare students for a future of unknown possibilities.

Assessment Literacy

Based on the work of Rick Stiggins, we like to consider a balanced approach to assessments. We see formative assessment as a tool FOR learning, and summative assessment as a measure OF learning. Formative assessments when done correctly, are a way provide descriptive feedback to students in time for them to improve performance and learn more. Summative assessments happen at the end of the instructional experience, and are intended to evaluate student learning. In this video, Marie provides strategies for collaborative assessment design that results in exceptional learning.

Assessment Connection to Activities

Activities in a unit plan address the "how" of instruction. How are we going to approach the why (big ideas and essential questions) and the what (content and skills) in our curriculum? Unlike standards, where consistency is required for student success, activities should be flexible and personalized for learners. Activities aligned to skills, essential questions and assessments, can be varied to accommodate different teaching styles and student needs. Here Marie describes the 3 layers of assessment and how they are connected to activities in a unit.