Proficiency Scales vs Rubrics

P-Scales evaluate a task or a question using a 4 point rating; while rubrics are used to evaluate student work using defined criteria.


Proficiency scales are an essential part of a school program that includes standards based grading and reporting. In the early stages of implementation, P-scales are often confused with rubrics. In this video Marie encourages faculty to be patient while learning the difference.

Proficiency Scales

A P-scale is designed to provide transparent and honest information about where students are, and how they are moving towards the target or standard.


In this video Marie explains the problems with industrial era grading systems, draws a distinction between proficiency scales and rubrics, and discusses each scale and related items.

In the videos below, Dr. Alcock walks through the creation of proficiency scales for ELA and Math.

Proficiency Scale Template and Samples

Sample Proficiency Scale Template

Google Doc - Proficiency Scale


Proficiency Scale MATH Grade 5 T1, 2 3

Google Doc - Proficiency Scale


Proficiency Scale MATH Grade 3 T1, 2 3

Google Doc - Proficiency Scale


Proficiency Scale SCIENCE Relationships and Ecosystems

                Google Doc - Proficiency Scale


Proficiency Scale Reference

Google Slide - Proficiency Scale